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school app management Step:1st- If you have already account in school app management then you have to click login button . if in case you have not account in school app management please register . you have to click registered button then registered your school information . enter email Step:2nd- Please enter your valid email address and click verify button then OTP sent to your email ID. enter otp Step:3rd- Please enter OTP number and click next button .school app management software is very helpful to manage school. create organization Step:4th-Register new institution so please select institution type then enter organization key (you have to create organization key without space and special characters for example school name , coaching name etc) create new password and enter phone number. click register Step:5th- Please enter name and institution name then click register button . success message Step:6th- Your institution successfully register in ZeroERP school app management . organization key is vary important key . login school Step:7th- Please enter organization key ,enter register email ID ,and enter password then click login button. basic detail Step:8th- Login successfully then redirect to basic detail form .

school app management | school app | ZeroERP Education